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Sherry S. Andrews
College Consultant
2020-2021 News to share.....Still in the pandemic - not knowing how long schools would be closed for the academic year, Ms. Andrews worked closely with her students to see this year through to the end as she does every year but also realizing that these students were missing so much. Fortunately, a couple of years earlier Ms. Andrews had switched to online FaceTime, Skype, and GoogleMeets with her students, which they seemed to like best due to their busy schedules. It was a smooth transition for all Success+ students because they were accustomed to meeting with Ms. Andrews in such a manner. Together, Ms. Andrews and her students worked through all things college and success was had by all students. We prepped for testing, worked diligently on essay writing, and contacted college representatives, which allowed all of her students to be up-to-date on each college's policies concerning the pandemic. It was a maze, but we did not let it slow our progress. Success+ students saw great success in the year with high test scores and acceptances to their top colleges. Some earned scholarships in these trying times and now prepare for next year with hopes of a pandemic no longer.
2019-2020 News to share.....The pandemic did not stop Success+. Fortunately, Success+ had guided its students in the fall, prior to the start of the pandemic in the spring, to another banner year of college acceptances, scholarships, testing, essay writing, and all things college. Once prepped for testing, Success+ students pushed their test scores to new heights. Several students had perfect scores on parts of the SAT and ACT and two had perfect overall scores. Students were elated with admissions in the spring, getting into their top tier colleges and universities. Students really stretched themselves in the spring when the pandemic shut schools down in mid-March for what most folks thought would be for only two weeks. Sadly, the two weeks became months closing school that year having school online. Our students persevered never experiencing prom, graduation, parties, and so much more. All thought all would be fine in August - but it just didn't happen that way.
2018-2019 News to share.....Success+ students continue to perform extremely well on their testing with the test prep provided by Ms. Andrews. For example, 80% of students increase their scores by 200 or more points on the SAT, 14% increase their scores between 100 and 199 points, and 6% will see growth less than 100 points. On the ACT, similar upward movement is seen by Success+ students....82% see a 6 or more point increase, 14% see between a 3 to 5 point increase, and 4% will see up to a 2 point increase. It has been a remarkable year with college acceptances and once again a Morehead/Cain recipient, Elon Fellows, Presidential at HPU, an EC Scholar recipient, and even more recipients of scholarships at Duke, Wake Forest, University of Virginia and the list goes on and on. Furthermore, much success has been made by underclassmen by acceptances to Governors School (5), NCSSM (4), Hugh Shelton (7) to just name a few. This coming summer will be the first ever summer application boot camp to help our current juniors prepare for the college application process.
2017-2018 News to share....Ms. Andrews is so proud of her students as they continue to attain admission to their top colleges, even the most elite colleges. Her students have worked hard to accomplish the test scores needed for college admission. She continues to see a 200 point increase in the SAT and an 8 point jump on the ACT when students work with her in prep for the tests. Once again, Ms. Andrews has seen her students receive acceptances at some of the best known school in North Carolina and the United States such as, NCSU, UNC-Chapel Hill, Duke, Wake Forest, Davidson, New York University, Columbia, Georgia Tech, Florida State, Stanford, Notre Dame, and the list goes on and on. In addition, Park Scholars, Morehead/Cain, Duke Scholars, Hunt Scholars, and more have reaped the benefits of Ms. Andrews' students. Her students have continued with acceptances at NC Governor School, NCSSM, Summer Ventures, Shelton Leadership and so many more.
2016-2017 News to share.....Students continue to score well with the test prep provided by Ms. Andrews. Her strategies are presented to students on an individual bases so that each student reaps their highest rewards. Just this past year some students were able to up their SAT scores by over 300 points and by 8 points on the ACT. Mrs. Andrews' students are consistently scoring at and beyond 1370 on the SAT and 30+ on the ACT. These scores are exceptional for college and scholarship admission. In addition, SUCCESS+ is elated to announce the results of her students by having continued success with the Park and Morehead Scholarship process, major scholarships at Duke, East Carolina, Washington and Lee, University of Virginia, High Point University, and the list goes on. Others successes involve admissions to North Carolina School of Math and Science (NCSSM) and 15 students to the Hugh Shelton Leadership Challenge just to name a few. As in the last few years, many of Mrs. Andrews' students are serving as interns on college campuses as high school students. All of Mrs. Andrews' 2017 high school graduates, 100%, are ready and prepared to start this fall in one of their top college choices and most at attending their top choice college. Success+ continues to be proud of its students; they are genuinely the best students in the world always willing to put in the effort required to achieve their goals. Congratulations Class of 2017....You are the best!
2015-2016 News....Continuing the trend of upping SAT scores by over 200 points and ACT scores by 8 points SUCCESS+ students are attaining their highest goals! Success+ has successfully transitioned to the new SAT and has been accepting new students in prep for the test which began March 5. Just in this short time, SUCCESS+ has prepped students for this new format of testing with students scoring high 1200's to well over 1450 on the Evidenced Reading and Math sections. Additionally, SUCCESS+ is proud to announce for the 2015-16 academic year: 2 Park Scholars, a Morehead Cain Scholar, a National Burger King Scholarship Recipient, a Levine Scholar, a Campbell University major scholarship recipient, a High Point University Presidential Recipient, 2 EC Scholars, a prestigious Johnson Scholarship recipient at Washington and Lee, a National Nordstrom Scholarship recipient, and an acceptance to North Carolina School of Science and Math (NCSSM). Ten students were selected to attend the Hugh Shelton Leadership Challenge - some for the Take II and Take III Experiences. Several of Ms. Andrews' students have attained internships while in high school on university campuses such as Duke University and North Carolina State University and many are broadening their experiences by participating in semester studies. At this point in time - the start of May 2016- we are at 100% top college/university acceptance. Success+ is proud of all its many students; fortunately, we completed another banner year. Ms. Andrews is elated with the achievement of each of her students!!
2014-2015 News...SUCCESS+ students each upped SAT scores over 200 points, ACT scores increased 8 points, a Park Scholar, 3 Morehead-Cain Recipients, 2 HPU Presidential Scholars, Coca Cola Finalists, a Copeland Scholarship Winner, a NCSU Caldwell 2015 Winner , a North Carolina Governor's School Recipient, 10 Hugh Shelton Summer Enrichment Participants, Summer Venture Recipients, a Conserve School acceptance & 100% of SUCCESS+ students have already heard from their top college choices with acceptances which include such schools as Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Villanova, NC State, UNC Chapel Hill, University of Alabama, Southern Methodist University, Boston College, Ohio State, University of Virginia, University of South Carolina, Clemson, East Carolina University, Campbell University, Duke University, Davidson, Florida State University, Texas Christian University, Rice, University of Texas at Austin, and many, many more! Continued updates will be announced as time evolves and new celebrations occur so check back frequently! I am so very proud of each and every one of my students! I love my job!!!
Please check out Raleigh's Midtown Magazine article - Teens and Summer Jobs by Jenni Hart online at and the Cary Living Magazine online at to see Jenni Hart's other article - Teenagers Get To Work - where she includes my thoughts on teenagers - jobs - and college - How do we mesh it together to work positively for the child? - what is most important about summer jobs or summer activities in general? Check it out - Thanks Jenni for including me in your articles!
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